Never before in this country have we seen such an incompetent group of people grab so much power.
One of the biggest differences between the private sector and the government is the baseline level of competence.
Sure, people in the private sector make mistakes all the time, but the market has a way of ensuring that those mistakes are corrected, either by the ones who made the mistake, or their competitors who put them out of business.
In the government, mistakes have consequences, but those consequences are borne by the general public, not those who made the mistakes. In fact, the more governments fail and screw up, the more power they tend to grab.
We see this all the time with the Liberal Party. On their watch our economic growth is pathetic, crime is surging, our military is crumbling, housing is unaffordable, and hostile foreign powers are gaining influence within our borders.
Yet, the Liberal response to this is to demand more power and centralize more authority in the hands of the government.
The more they demonstrate their incompetence, the more control they seek.
Climate insanity
Just look at their approach to ‘climate change.’
Objectively, what Canada does in terms of emissions simply doesn’t matter. Even the massive economic downturn that accompanies government-enforced covid lockdowns didn’t bring Canada’s emissions down to our ‘government targets’. And – something that never gets mentioned – even before the carbon tax our emissions had been declining on a per capita basis due to technological advancement. The same is true in the United States and most developed countries.
And, since we are just about 2% of global emissions, any change in Canada is easily wiped out by changes in other countries. China’s re-embrace of coal power has easily wiped out any emission reductions in Canada many times over.
Still, the Liberals insist that a carbon tax on Canadians will somehow change the global climate. They seem to think they are so all-powerful and competent that they can assert their control over the entire Earth through the act of taxing Canadians and taking more money out of our pockets.
However, that hyper-competent image is undermined by their struggle to accomplish even the most basic tasks. And no, I’m not talking about the decline in government service quality despite massive increases in spending, I’m not talking about our shocking lack of national security, and I’m not talking about our terrible economic performance.
No, I’m talking about something as simple as unveiling a new passport.
Just watch the clip below (credit to @dean_au23 for uploading the clip with the music added):
These clowns can’t even figure out a passport unveiling yet they are demanding the power to regulate every aspect of our lives, tell us the content we can consume, take more and more of our money, and reshape the whole economy?
Never before in this country have we seen such a gap between the level of competence (or lack thereof) in a government, and that government’s demand for power.
This is why we need a much smaller governmetn that focus on just a few basic things. Otherwise, we get stuck being controlled by a bunch of authoritarian idiots.
Spencer Fernando
Photo – Twitter