Two Jewish Schools In Montreal Hit By Bullets As Anti-Semitism Continues To Surge In Canada

On the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, modern day anti-Semites are trying for a repeat. We must stand against them and stand with the Jewish community.

Today is the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the Nazi-led pogrom in Germany in which Synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses were attacked, and Jewish of Germany and Austria were killed, attacked, and in many cases imprisoned in concentration camps simply for being Jewish.

Sadly, so many years later, there are some within our own country who are trying for a repeat of that horrific day:

“On the night of November 9, 1938, a Nazi-organized pogrom resulted in the destruction of more than 7,000 Jewish businesses and 250 synagogues across Germany and Austria. Jews were beaten and murdered and nearly 30,000 sent to concentration camps.

This “night of broken glass,” or Kristallnacht, became known as the beginning of the violent Nazi-led antisemitism that would ultimately take the lives of six million Jews.

85 years later, Jew-hatred is resurging dramatically and dangerously. #Antisemitism is rampant, and Jewish people, businesses, and places of worship across the globe, including in Canada, are being targeted.

We must do everything in our power to ensure that #NeverAgain means never again.”

Shots fired at two Jewish schools

Following weeks of vile anti-Semitic rallies across the nation and growing intimidation of Jewish students on university campuses, physical violence against Synagogues and Jewish schools is on the rise.

Overnight, two Jewish schools were shot at:

“This morning, #Montreal’s Jewish community awoke to news that local Jewish schools were hit by bullets.

We are in touch with law enforcement to ensure the safety & security of the community.”

As I continue to reiterate, we have to be absolutely clear about what’s happening. Anti-Semites feel emboldened, and are seeking to make Canada unsafe for Jewish People. They want a new Kristallnacht, and they want what followed Kristallnacht – the brutal oppression and mass murder of Jewish People.

That is why we must speak out now – each and every one of us – and continue to make it clear that we stand with the Jewish community and that we will not tolerate anti-Semitism in this country. We must also demand that our leaders strongly crack down on anti-Semitism by arresting those who are supporting terrorist organizations, removing university professors who spread anti-Semitism, asserting the importance of Canadian values, and addressing the fact that we have foolishly imported much of this anti-Semitism through the immigration system.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube