Liberal Support Drops Amid Vaccine Rollout Debacle

New Abacus Data poll shows Liberals and Conservatives within the margin of error.

A new survey by Abacus Data shows the vaccine rollout debacle is starting to have an impact on Liberal support.

Compared to their previous survey, the Liberals are down 3 points to 32%. The Conservatives remain steady at 31%.

The NDP is up 2 points to 18%, while the Bloc & Greens remain at 8% and 7% respectively.

Government approval has also fallen from 44% to 40%, while disapproval has risen from 36% to 40%.

On the direct issue of the vaccine rollout (or lack thereof), just 25% give the Liberals an excellent/good rating on ‘ordering the vaccines that Canadians need.’ 33% give them an ‘acceptable’ rating, while 42% say ‘poor/terrible.’

On the question of Canada receiving ‘vaccines in as timely a fashion as possible,’ opinion is even more negative, with 21% saying the government has done an ‘excellent/good job’, 32% saying ‘acceptable,’ and 48% saying ‘poor/terrible.’

The trend line is also clear, with government net approval on ordering vaccines changing by -34 points, while net approval of Canada receiving vaccines in a timely fashion moved by a net -24 points.

Canadians are certainly seeing the cost of the incompetence being shown by the Liberal government.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube