ENOUGH: Arrests & Deportations Are Needed To Push Back Against The Anti-Semitic Mobs

Empty words from the government are not enough. Decisive action has been delayed for far too long.

Human beings respond to incentives.

And the Liberal-NDP government has created incentives that reward rabid anti-Semitic mobs.

The government has not only refused to take decisive action against the mobs but has often responded to anti-Semitic protests by making policy concessions like halting arms sales to Israel and passing a horrendous motion that drew a false equivalence between the democratic state of Israel and Hamas terrorists.

Anti-Semitic protests have often led to Liberal-NDP politicians shifting their rhetoric to condemn Israel, and those same politicians have also shown themselves to be afraid of the mobs. For example, both Melanie Joly and Jagmeet Singh have repeated Hamas disinformation against Israel, yet refused to apologize and refused to retract their claims. They would rather leave the lies out there than correct them and face blowback from the rabid anti-Semites.

And so, having incentivized anti-Semitic protests, our country is increasingly seeing things like this:

This is pure evil.

These are people openly calling for genocide, openly calling for the destruction of Israel, and openly siding with Hamas – a terrorist organization.

At this point, we must say enough is enough.

Empty words don’t matter now.

The federal government must take action.

The incentivizes must change. There must be a strong disincentive for anyone thinking of being part of an anti-Semitic mob.

And that means working with all levels of government to enforce laws against calling for genocide and against hate to ensure that Canadian citizens at these events are arrested and removed from the streets.

Furthermore, any non-citizens at these protests who are siding with Hamas terrorists must be deported.

A clear and decisive message must be sent.

Arrests and deportations are necessary to push back the anti-Semitic mobs.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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