After All The Lies, Who Could Possibly Believe Trudeau’s Claims Amid Brenda Lucki Scandal?

Credibility is earned or lost over time. Trudeau has lost it.

A key problem in Canada today is that the political elites believe they are automatically owed the trust of Canadians.

In our own lives, we all know that trust is earned, and that those who lie constantly are no longer believed.

Somehow, politicians like Trudeau think that doesn’t apply to them.

Thus, in response to the escalating Brenda Lucki-RCMP-Trudeau government scandal, he is trotting out the same tactics he uses every scandal:

Lie & Deny.

“Trudeau says his government “did not put any undue influence or pressure” on Brenda Lucki to release information about the NS shooting to help push a future gun law. Trudeau also says he has confidence in Brenda Lucki as RCMP commissioner”

First of all, of course Trudeau has ‘confidence’ in Lucki.

She’s doing his bidding, and trying to push his agenda.

Second – and most importantly – Trudeau lies all the time.

Of course he’ll claim he didn’t put ‘undue’ influence on Lucki.

He claimed “the allegations were false” when it was reported that he pressured Jody Wilson-Raybould.

He said he would only run “three small deficits.”

He said the carbon tax wouldn’t keep going up.

He said he wouldn’t fight Veterans in court.

He said Canada wouldn’t compel vaccination. 

Those are just a few of the things he’s lied about.

After all, lying – along with incompetence – has been the defining feature of the Trudeau government.

Has Trudeau earned the benefit of the doubt?

Justin Trudeau acts like he’s earned the benefit of the doubt, but as we saw above, that’s the opposite of what he’s done.

All Trudeau has ‘earned’ is the contempt and mistrust of the Canadian People.

Nothing he says can be trusted, because he has lied to this country so many times.

At this point, it makes the most sense to assume that the truth is the opposite of whatever Trudeau claims.

When he says the government didn’t put undue influence or pressure on Brenda Lucki, we have to assume that they put undue influence and pressure on Lucki, and that she was glad to go along with it.

And when he says he has confidence in Lucki, we have to assume that he’s referring to her willingness to advance his agenda, not actually manage the RCMP.

When Trudeau speaks, the only thing we can ‘trust’ is that he’s lying to us.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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