The NDP Has Decided To Pretend They Aren’t Propping Up The Trudeau Liberals

Demonstrating contempt for the intelligence of Canadians, the NDP wants to simultaneously keep the Liberal government in power while complaining about the consequences.

The Liberal government remains in power because of their coalition/pact with the NDP.

This means the Liberals will remain in power until 2025, unless they choose to orchestrate the fall of their government earlier.

This provides the Liberals with the space to avoid accountability and push an agenda that is divorced from public opinion, as evidenced by their continued increasing of the carbon tax even as Canadians are being crushed by inflation.

All of this is simply an objective fact.

And yet, the NDP is choosing to ignore reality.

Look at this Tweet from NDP MP Niki Ashton:

“Large corporations avoided paying over $30 billion in taxes in 2021 while price gouging Canadians.

And it’s a coalition of Liberals and Conservatives standing with this corporate greed.”

Ahh yes, the “coalition” of Liberals & Conservatives…

In a fair world, this would of course be considered misinformation. After all, it’s the Liberals & NDP who have a coalition.

But since Canadians are doing so bad under that coalition, and since the consequences of Liberal/NDP economic policies has been to devalue our money – with an ‘assist’ by the Bank of Canada – and drive up the cost-of-living, the NDP is attempting to distance themselves.

Amazingly however, they are doing that distancing without actually leaving their alliance with the Liberals.

Jagmeet Singh also continues his effort to blame CEOs for what he’s calling ‘greedflation’:

“Just a reminder — the top three grocery stores reported total net profits of $2.3 billion in 2022 so far.

That’s $228 million more than the year before — $228 million that they took from YOU as a consumer.

CEOs are using inflation to cover up their greed.”

Peddling delusion and showing contempt for Canadians

The NDP has clearly decided that they are simply going to lie to Canadians.

They will lie about the fact that they are propping up the Liberals, and they will lie about the cause of inflation.

Jagmeet Singh ignores the Bank of Canada entirely, which is quite ironic since the NDP used to express concern over BoC actions which widened economic inequality.

Now, the NDP serves simply as a tool to prop up the Liberal political establishment, keeping Canadians trapped in a policy regime that is having a disastrous impact on our national economy and personal finances.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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