WATCH: Pierre Poilievre Delivers Strong Defense Of Free Speech

In response to the Ontario College of Psychologists seeking to impose a quasi-reeducation on Jordan Peterson because they don’t like some of his Tweets, Poilievre explained why free speech should be defended for all Canadians, and is explicitly about defending opinions we don’t necessarily agree with.

If there was no disagreement, we wouldn’t need free speech.

That’s the point made by CPC Leader Pierre Poilievre in a new video, where he defends Jordan Peterson and the broader importance of free speech.

With Peterson being told he has to choose between taking a social media ‘reeducation’ course or potentially lose his license, many are disturbed by the fact that a professional organization is policing statements made by their members and proposing such an Orwellian ‘fix.’

Further, the statements the Ontario College of Psychologists are objecting to included criticism of government policy and criticism of Justin Trudeau.

In a free country, facing the loss of a professional license for criticizing the government is unacceptable.

Poilievre notes this in his video, explaining that free speech wouldn’t even be necessary if everyone agreed, since nobody wants to censor those they agree with.

Instead, free speech is about protecting disagreement and ensuring different voices can be freely heard.

And since that is one of the core principles that made the Western world so prosperous, creative, and free, it is well-worth defending.

You can watch Poilievre’s video below:

“Free speech isn’t free unless people are allowed to disagree.”

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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