DOUBLING DOWN ON DIVISION: In Pathetic Move, A Desperate Justin Trudeau Claims (Without Evidence) That Pierre Poilievre Is “Attacking The Rights Of LGBT Community Canadians”

With a Prime Minister who has no problem spreading blatant lies as he trails in the polls, is it any wonder Canada is full of so much anger and division?

One of Justin Trudeau’s favourite political tactics is to accuse his opponents of dividing Canadians while he does exactly that.

There is zero doubt that Canada is far more angry and divided under Trudeau’s ‘leadership’ than it was under the leadership of Stephen Harper.

Trudeau has sought to exploit regional divisions, racial divisions, vaccination status, firearm ownership, and more to split the country and pit Canadians against each other.

And now, with his party trailing in the polls (and by a significant margin in many of them), Trudeau is doubling down on division.

In recent remarks at a Liberal event, Trudeau claimed – with zero evidence – that Pierre Poilievre is “attacking the rights of LGBT Canadians.”

Trudeau makes the comments in the video below, at the 1:05 mark:

Considering the Liberals posted the video to their official account, it’s obvious that this is the message they are running with.

Quite frankly, it’s a pathetic move.

Pierre Poilievre has made clear that he supports same-sex marriage, and Melissa Lantsman – the Deputy Leader of the CPC who Poilievre chose for the role – is a member of the LGBT community.

So, Trudeau is simply lying.

It’s that simple.

We are seeing this from both parts of the Liberal-NDP Pact, with Singh lying about how private health delivery within the universal system actually works.

Failure leads to dishonesty

Why is Justin Trudeau resorting to such divisive lies?

Because he doesn’t have a record to run on.

The economy is a mess, with Canadians drowning in debt and falling behind month after month as inflation exceeds wage increases.

Crime is surging, with each day bringing new horrific headlines.

Social programs – particularly healthcare – are crumbling.

As a result, Trudeau can’t campaign on reality, since reality is extremely negative at the moment.

That leaves him with two options:

Take responsibility for the state of the country, or spread lies to scare the electorate.

It’s obvious which one Trudeau has chosen.

By choosing the path of lies and division, Trudeau will further deepen the divides in our already fractured country. We can expect to see even more anger across the land, as our failed Prime Minister does everything he can to make things even worse.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


Our nation is divided. Our economy is weak. Our national defence is almost non-existent. Much of the media is dependent on government funding. This is unacceptable, and we must hold the Liberal-NDP Pact accountable. I’m supported by the voluntary contributions of Canadians like you, not the government. If you value my independent perspective you can support my work through PayPal or Stripe below. Your support is deeply appreciated.


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