The Majority Of Canadians Are Worried They Won’t Have Enough Money To Feed Their Family, But There’s No Need For Concern Because Trudeau Says Canada’s “Not Broken”

What level of economic pain would meet Trudeau’s ‘broken’ threshold?

How many Canadians would have to be worried about being able to feed their family before Justin Trudeau would admit the country is currently “broken?”




At this point, we don’t know.

All we do know is that clearly, 52% isn’t enough.

That’s the number of Canadians who told a recent Ipsos survey that they are either very worried (22%), or somewhat worried (30%) that they may not have enough money to feed their families.

Additionally, 56% say they are worried they might not be able to afford gasoline.

In a country with as much potential wealth as Canada possesses, with immense supplies of natural resources, the fact that over half of Canadians are unsure they can afford basic necessities is a huge indictment of our current leaders.

And when Trudeau responds to all of this by attacking Pierre Poilievre for saying “Canada is broken,” it only goes to make Trudeau look completely out of touch with what Canadians are experiencing.

Justin Trudeau has never had to worry about paying the bills and making ends meet.

He’s always been removed from such ‘mundane’ concerns.

Thus, he can’t relate to what Canadians are going through.

He clearly sees all of this as a game for his own entertainment, and he uses Canada to try and bolster his reputation for taking ‘climate action’ and ‘saving the planet.’

Trudeau is completely fine hitting Canadians with an ever-increasing carbon tax and making Canadians poorer and more divided through the weakening of the energy sector, so long as he gets to look ‘woke’ and ‘progressive’ while doing it.

So, as long as Trudeau remains in power, he’ll continue to think Canada is doing just fine, because he makes that judgement based on the fact that he leads the country, not on how Canadians are actually doing.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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