VIDEO: Why Won’t Marco Mendicino Say When He First Knew About CCP Police Stations Within Canada?

With a massive staff and big operating budget, you would think some basic information would be easily available. And yet…

If there’s one thing federal Ministers don’t lack it’s an entourage.

Ministers get a big staff, and a big operating budget.

Some of that is understandable, since they must process a wide variety of information and delegate decision making, quickly filtering out what isn’t worth their full attention.

But along with a large staff comes the reality that basic information should be easily known and explainable.

For example, in his role as Public Safety Minister, Marco Mendicino would have been briefed on China operating police stations on Canadian territory.

That briefing would have been marked down in a calendar.

The date and time of the briefing would be known.

Additionally, members of his staff could easily look up when the media first reported on those CCP police stations within Canada.

Thus, it should be very easy for Mendicino to answer whether he heard about the police stations before or after media reports emerged.

Yet, when asked about it, Mendicino refused to say:

“Liberal Minister @marcomendicino won’t say if he knew about Foreign Police Stations before it was reported in the media. #cdnpoli #foreigninterference #ccp”

Mendicino – like other Liberals amid the emergence of more and more disturbing stories about China’s interference in our nation – is clearly trying to release as little information as possible.

But the more the Liberals try to hide from this, the more Canadians will rightfully demand answers.

The Liberals can’t just make this go away. The stakes are too high and our democracy is at too much risk to just move on and pretend everything is alright.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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