72% Of Canadians Want Trudeau To Step Down

Brutal numbers for the Prime Minister, a testament to how absolutely garbage of a leader he has been.

Justin Trudeau’s complete failure as a leader can be seen in many ways.

Whether it’s surging crime, declining per capita GDP, national disunity, our crumbling military, declining institutions and social programs, anti-Semitic mobs emboldened like never before, or our pathetic international reputation, basically everything is worse under Trudeau.

And so, it’s no surprise to see that nearly three quarters of Canadians just want Trudeau to go.

That’s according to a recent Ipsos poll, showing 72% of Canadians want Trudeau to step down before the next election:

“Should Justin Trudeau stay on and lead his party next election, or step down?”

Step down: 72%
Stay on: 28%

Ipsos / November 17, 2023 / n=1000 / Online”

For Liberal partisans who would try and counter that this is some sort of ‘a pox on all their houses’ attitude amongst Canadians, the reality is that Trudeau stands out big time here – and not in a good way for the Liberal Party.

In contrast to Trudeau’s horrendous numbers, 56% think Poilievre should stay on, 51% think Singh should stay on, and in Quebec, 67% think Bloc leader Yves-Francois Blanchet should stay on.

So, this is a decidedly anti-Trudeau sentiment among Canadians, with a clear majority of the populace simply fed up with his failures, his arrogant lecturing, and his ongoing ruination of our country.

Spencer Fernando


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