Pathetic Liberals Attack Poilievre For Not Being In House Of Commons, Neglect To Mention He Was Showing Support For Synagogue That Was Hit By Molotov Cocktail

The Liberals continue to descend to depths of cynicism and divisiveness that we haven’t seen before in this country.

At a moment when Justin Trudeau is trying to ‘both sides’ things between the Canadian Jewish community and the rabid anti-Semites who are spreading hate, CPC Leader Pierre Poilievre is demonstrating the leadership Trudeau lacks.

Poilievre has been showing up, repeatedly, in support of the Jewish community.

He did so last night, to mark the beginning of Hanukkah, when he visited a Synagogue that had been hit by a Molotov Cocktail.

Here’s where Poilievre was, as he voted remotely in the marathon house votes while at a Synagogue:

“Photo of Pierre voting from his second synagogue event of the night (this time at the Spanish and Portuguese synagogue) nearest to the JCC building that was also the victim of a Molotov cocktail.

I think he looks great in a kippah.”

Of course, the Liberals – befitting a desperate party devoid of all principles – ignored this context and attacked him anyway:

The fact is that the Liberals had their chance to stand with the Jewish community. Yet – aside from a few principled Liberal MPs who have shown themselves to be exceptions to the pathetic weakness and pandering to anti-Canadian radicals exhibited by Trudeau, Joly, and their disgraceful ilk – most Liberals have just gone along with Trudeau and have completely failed Jewish Canadians.

So now, to see Liberals attacking Poilievre for supporting a Synagogue only goes to demonstrate how morally-bankrupt the once-venerable Liberal Party has become. Every day the Liberals remain in power is a disaster for our nation.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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