WATCH: While Trudeau Shows Pathetic Cowardice & Weakness, Poilievre Stands Strong In Support Of Israel & Canada’s Real Values

Justin Trudeau isn’t a leader, he’s a follower, and he’s following the worst of the worst on the world stage.

South Africa is a completely corrupt and incompetent nation, a nation that promotes genocide against the White minority, a nation that is using migrants from other African nations as a scapegoat for the incompetence of the government, and a nation that can’t even keep the lights on.

It’s also the rape capital of the world.

As if that wasn’t all bad enough, South Africa has chosen to go all in on anti-Semitism, removing the captain of their cricket team because he is Jewish, and falsely accusing Israel of ‘genocide’ at the International Court of ‘Justice.’

Numerous South African officials – including top national leaders – have also met with Hamas and even praised Hamas. In short, the nation is a dysfunctional, corrupt, anti-Semitic, genocide-promoting state that no advanced Western nation should want to listen to.

So of course, that’s who Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government are standing with.

Trudeau tried to have it both ways, claiming vaguely that Canada doesn’t support the ‘premise’ of South Africa’s case against Israel, a case that will be ruled on by a UN panel that includes judges from China and Russia, two nations that are actually carrying out a genocide at this very moment.

But now, the government has revealed their real position: They will go along with what the UN panel decides – which means the Liberals are choosing to go along with South Africa by giving the false case legitimacy it doesn’t deserve.

“GAC: Canada will abide by all rulings in the South African case against Israel at the ICJ, both provisional injunctions in the short-term, and a final determination on the allegation of genocide.”

Thus, the Liberals are saying they will go along with a case while rejecting the premise of that case. Of course, the first statement wipes out the second, since going along with the case implies the government supports it.

Trudeau has once again chosen the path of gutless pathetic cowardice. He shames our nation, betrays our values, and stands with the enemies of the Western world.

Poilievre stands strong

In contrast to Justin Trudeau’s gutless cowardice, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is saying what a Canadian Prime Minister should be saying.

He’s standing strong with Israel, and calling out the regimes like Syria, and China that are actually committing genocide:

At the end of the day, it really is a simple and clear divide:

Pierre Poilievre is a leader, Justin Trudeau is not.

Pierre Poilievre defends Canadian Values, while Trudeau sells out our nation to those who hate us.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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