It’s Civilization Vs Barbarism

There’s no time for political correctness with our civilization and our way of life under attack from within.

The Civilized world has been successful and dominant for so long that we’ve forgotten something very important about power and fear.

Because we have largely been able to structure our societies around voluntary trade, voluntary cooperation, and voluntary association, and because most citizens of Western countries buy into this, we have fallen into the assumption that power and fear are no longer necessary.

We let our militaries whither away, we undermined our own values, and we have ceded the initiative to authoritarian states and terrorists, assuming that if we are just nice to them that they’ll be nice to us back.

Unfortunately, the civilized world has forgotten that huge swathes of the world are not civilized at all.

Rather, much of the world still responds only to power and fear, and views negotiation and a willingness to compromise as weakness.

None of this is permanent or inevitable of course. Many countries and groups of people have gone crazy and descended into barbarism (like fascist Germany and Japan), only to come back to civilization later on. But they first had to be demolished by the military power of their opponents. It took power and fear to ensure the civilized world endured.

And the same is true of terrorist organizations. Fanatical terrorists and genocidal maniacs like Hamas and the Houthis cannot be negotiated with. They must be defeated. And that requires the application of force.

Those within our country who back terrorist groups must be seen for what they are – people who are weakening us from within and who are completely disloyal to our nation. While violence should not be used against them, those who are not citizens and are found to support terror groups should be deported, while those who are citizens should be charged. We cannot allow the normalization of support for genocidal radical Islamist terrorists to take place. It must be confronted.

But when it comes to terror groups outside our country, the civilized world must be willing to use violence.

This is the paradox of protecting a civilized nation. We must be civilized within, dealing with each other through the rule of law, and we must protect voluntary trade and voluntary cooperation as much as possible, while also acknowledging the need to use violence against those who wish us ill.

In a way, we must simultaneously transcend and overcome our primitive impulses, while retaining the ability to apply primitive violence in a very targeted way against those who want to destroy us.

This is why it is incredibly dangerous for civilized nations to completely abandon our historical martial cultures, as we lose touch with that aspect of human nature that is essential to holding the barbarians at bay.

And that is indeed what we are facing.


Authoritarian regimes and genocidal terrorist groups are completely barbaric in comparison to the Western world.

They are less civilized than we are.

This may not be politically correct to say, but it is the truth.

We can’t afford to be politically correct, not with our own civilization being attacked from within by those who side with our enemies. 

We can’t afford to be politically correct when our military is being used as a woke social experiment at time when it has been stripped of any real combat capability and can’t find nearly enough recruits.

And we can’t afford to be politically correct when hostile regimes are rapidly scaling up their military spending in preparation for a potential wide-scale war.

Throughout history, the world has seen many battles between civilization and barbarism, and barbarism has often won.

To ensure civilization prevails, we must remember the importance of power and fear, and we must rapidly regain the military strength and national confidence that is necessary to instill fear in our barbaric enemies.

Spencer Fernando


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