Housing Decelerator Fool: Trudeau Lies To Canadians, Says Government Is “Getting More Homes Built, Faster,” Even Though Housing Construction Actually DROPPED 7% In 2023

The Liberals are no longer able to point to any real data points to defend the results of their horrendous policies, so they now just make stuff up.

Justin Trudeau and the Liberals are claiming that they are getting more homes built.

And, they claim they’re building those homes “faster.”

What is their evidence to back up the claim?

Well, that’s the thing.

They don’t have any.

Instead, they are trying to pretend that cities signing up to their so-called “Housing Accelerator Fund” is the same as getting more housing built, substituting an announcement for real action:

Now, this isn’t just ‘spin.’

These are outright lies from Justin Trudeau.

The government is NOT getting more homes built.

They NOT getting homes built faster.

Instead, FEWER homes are being built.

That was confirmed by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation:

Single family housing construction is down 25%.

Multi-unit housing is down 1%.

Total housing construction is down 7%.


So, what is actually happening here is that the Liberals are ‘delivering’ fewer homes, slower.

And when you add their massive immigration increases into the mix, you end up with a situation where housing demand is being deliberately supercharged while housing supply growth not only isn’t keeping up, but is declining even from its already deeply inadequate pace.

Having wrecked the country, all Trudeau and the Liberals have left are lies.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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