We Must Rekindle Canadian Nationalism

Canadians have seen what ‘post-nationalism’ does to our nation, and our country won’t survive in any recognizable form unless we bring back a strong national identity built around Western Values.

When people hear the word ‘nationalism,’ they often get concerned, as the word has been demonized by the left for quite a long time.

However, nationalism is neither inherently good or bad, since it depends upon the values of the nation being considered.

For example, the Chinese Communist Party stokes nationalist sentiment to try and justify their desire to take Taiwan, and the Russian dictatorship uses nationalism to try and justify their invasion of Ukraine. Obviously, those are dangerous and negative forms of nationalism.

Yet, nationalism is also at work in the other direction.

When the Taiwanese people rejected China’s threats and voted for a candidate who wants to preserve Taiwan’s de facto independence, that was nationalism.

When Ukrainians resist Russia’s invasion and fight for the independence of their nation, that is nationalism.

When Israelis fight against the genocidal Hamas terrorists and seek to preserve their nation and the lives of their fellow citizens, that is nationalism.

When the French hold a military parade, when the United Kingdom honours their military history, when Canadians gather on November 11th for Remembrace Day, that is all nationalism.

And so, for Western nations built on a foundation of democracy, the rule of law, and individual freedom, nationalism is a good thing, because it means protecting the nations that protect those values and protecting our way of life.

We are seeing what post-nationaism looks like, and it’s a disaster

You can often see the importance of something by looking at what happens in its absence.

Here in Canada, we’ve been given a ‘great opportunity’ to see what the absense of nationalism looks like.

For eight years, we’ve been led by a Prime Minister who explicitly seeks to turn Canada into a ‘post-national state’ with no core identity or values. He has accused our own nation of perpetrating an ‘ongoing genocide,’ (while conveniently ignoring the fact that that would make him a genocidal leader), has taken every opportunity to demonize Canadians as racists and bigots, and has allowed hostile foreign regimes like China and Iran to gain more and more power in our nation.

And what is the result?

Well, we are seeing it on the streets of Canadian cities, as pro-terror mobs walk around with impunity as they seek to normalize their extremist anti-Western, anti-Semitic, and anti-Canadian ideology. Canada’s authorities – and much of the media – having been inundated with ‘Canada bad’ ‘Western world bad’ rhetoric for years, are unable to even push back against those who hate us.

Further, our national defences have withered away, as a lack of nationalism has led to the government allowing our military to crumble, and has reduced the number of people who would feel inspired to join up.

Nationalism will always exist, what matters is the form it takes

The fact is that the absence of a unifying Canadian nationalism doesn’t actually get rid of nationalism, it just means that we end up importing foreign nationalisms – including nationalisms that are completely hostile and antithetical to everything Canada is supposed to be about, as we can see in ‘Canadians’ marching in the streets in support of Houthi terrorists from Yemen.

The response to this is really quite simple:

We must rekindle Canadian nationalism.

We must be proud of our history as a country.

We must be confident in the values of Western Civilization.

We must defend individual rights and democracy. 

And we must rebuild our military and instill pride in our military heritage to ensure that more people want to join up to defend Canada and our allies, and that those who do join up are equipped with the world’s best weapons.

We’ve seen what happens if we don’t do this.

It is now beyond obvious that our country will not survive in any recognizable form if we continue down the disastrous ‘post-national’ path, and we must rapidly change course before it is too late.

Spencer Fernando


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