Human nature hasn’t changed.
Human beings are not fundamentally different than we were before democratic governance became widespread.
We aren’t that different than we were before the Western world succeeded on a foundation of individual rights, relatively free commerce, private property, and limits on state power.
Civilized nations have become so precisely because they recognized that civilization must be vigiliantly defended and maintained.
And it has to be maintained to a large extent through violence.
This sounds harsh and even hypocritical to some, because ‘violence’ and ‘civilization’ seem like opposites.
But the refusal to acknowledge the importance of having the capacity for violence is part of why the Western world is on the defensive both at home and abroad.
Criminals increasingly have free reign in our cities, as the authorities keep trying to find ways to stop criminals that don’t involve arresting and jailing tons of people.
The illegal drug epidemic runs rampant, with the ‘experts’ telling us that jailing people and forcing people into treatment all of a sudden ‘doesn’t work,’ and that we must simply surrender to widespread illegal drug use by giving out illegal drugs and letting people use those drugs in public places. Unsurprisingly, this just leads to the problem getting worse and worse.
Abroad, hostile regimes like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are emboldned by our weakness. The more the Western world puts off the massive rearmament that is necessary, and the more we say we are afraid of ‘escalation,’ the more our enemies will build up and escalate, since they rightly sense that we are too scared to aggressively push back.
Forgetting our history
To a significant extent, we have forgotten our history. We’ve also had our history twisted and demonized by those who hate the Western world – which includes many of our own leaders.
Thus, we’ve forgotten that we defeated the fascists in WW2 through a massive application of violence. The Allies dropped a truly staggering amount of bombs on Axis cities, produced a stunning amount of tanks, artillery pieces, guns, bullets, ships, airplanes, etc. Violence was the only way to stop the Axis powers.
In the Cold War, the Free World maintained high levels of military spending, signalling our resolve and our willingness to kill the Communists if the Soviet Union attempted a large-scale invasion of Europe. Retaining the capacity for large-scale violence ironically helped ensure that a major war between the West & the Soviets never took place.
Of course, since both the pro-communist far-left and pro-fascist far-right are desperate to take power and crush the capitalist democratic system, they have an interest in making us forget this. Thus, they – in partnership with hostile foreign powers that want to keep us weak – advocate for ‘pacifism,’ ‘neutrality,’ ‘isolationism,’ and do everything possible to keep us divided internally.
Many far-left radicals have also taken control of the ‘justice system,’ to the point where it almost explicitly works for criminals and against law-abiding people. By refusing to apply force against criminals, the system empowers criminals to apply force to innocent people.
Of course, none of this has to be this way.
We simply need to return to common sense.
In order to preserve our way of life, democracies must have the ability to use military force to kill our enemies, and must jail criminals to keep them away from non-criminals. We need a military build-up, we need a return to stronger patriotism and nationalism, and we need to build more jails and impose harsher sentences on those who put law-abiding people at risk.
We’ve done it before. It’s what helped build our free and prosperous societies, and we can do it again.
Spencer Fernando