Canada Is Broken: Most Canadians Now Have More Debt Than Savings

And it’s getting worse.

Day after day, we are presented with more and more evidence of how Canada is broken.

The latest comes from Statistics Canada, as they have revealed most Canadians now have more debt than savings.

And as you can see in the chart below, things are getting worse:

So much for helping the middle class and those looking to join it

The main pitch of the Liberals when they sought power was to help “the middle class and those looking to join it.”

It wasn’t long of course before that was completely supplanted by the eco-socialism of Trudeau and people like Steven Guilbeault. With fanatical zeal, Guilbeault and the eco-radicals have set about deliberately increasing the cost of energy and the cost of living in order to reduce the energy use of Canadians, something that could only result in the decline of our standard of living.

Even as many peer nations – particularly the United States – are racing ahead on a per capita basis, Canadians are getting poorer in real terms, and are increasingly turning to debt to try and hold on to our standard of living.

Of course, this is unsustainable, as only a return to real per capita GDP growth can dig us out of the hole we are in.

That won’t happen under the Liberals, because the remain obsessed with their extremist and out of the mainstream eco policies.

Only a new government will start to restore the prosperity that Canadians deserve.

Spencer Fernando


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