“My Statement Is My Statement”: Melanie Joly Tries & Fails To Explain Canada’s ‘Position’ On South Africa’s Garbage Case Against Israel

Not picking a side means siding with the anti-Semites and the pro-terrorist states like South Africa.

If it’s possible to double-down on nothing, the Liberals are certainly managing to do so.

The Trudeau Liberals continue to make it clear that they won’t ‘pick a side’ when it comes to the case brought by South Africa – a pathetically incompetent, dysfunctional pro-terrorist, pro-authoritarian state nation that can’t even keep the lights on – against Israel at the International Court of Justice.

The case has rightfully been denounced by most of Canada’s Western allies, and South Africa has been fully discredited amid their meetings with Hamas officials and their ties to authoritarian states like China and Russia.

Yet, unlike our allies, the Liberals refuse to take a stand.

Instead, they’ve tried to avoid taking a side, by putting out vague and contradictory statements about Canada’s position on South Africa’s case.

Of course, you and I know very well that the refusal to stand with good (the democratic state of Israel) againt evil (the genocidal Hamas terrorist savages), means standing with evil. There is no real middle ground.

When asked about Canada’s refusal to take a side, Joly unleashed another word salad, saying “my statement is my statement” and refusing to elaborate further:

“Melanie Joly stood up and declared her new ‘pragmatic’ approach to foreign affairs… & was next asked about South Africa’s IJC case v Israel

The US called it ‘unfounded,’ Germany ‘firmly and explicitly rejects the accusation’

But Canada? Nothing… pragmatic cowardice”

The apalling lack of leadership shown by Trudeau & Joly as they abandon the Jewish community and abandon Western values will go down as one of the most shameful moments in the history of the Canadian government.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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