WATCH: Poilievre SHREDS Trudeau & Joly’s Lack Of Moral Clarity On South Africa’s Pathetic ‘Genocide’ Case Against Israel

Canadian leadership from the leader of the Opposition, while Trudeau & Joly abandon our values.

To say Canada isn’t getting leadership from the federal government would be a huge understatement.

We are getting the exact opposite of leadership.

The Liberals are abandoning Canadian values and seeking to divide Canadians, rather than taking a stand for the Western values that underpin our country.

Thankfully, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is providing the leadership that Canada should be getting from the Prime Minister.

In response to Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly’s lack of answer when she was asked about Canada’s refusal to take a position on South Africa’s pathetic ‘genocide’ case against Israel, Poilievre shredded Trudeau & Joly for their lack of moral clarity and their lack of principle, along with their willingness to deliberately divide Canadians.

His answer below demonstrates what Canada once was, and what we could be again: A country that actually stands for something.

“Thank you @PierrePoilievre for your moral clarity.

For it is Hamas, not #Israel, that has committed genocide, and if given the opportunity, have openly stated they will repeat Oct. 7.

#Canada must stand with #Israel. Hamas must be eliminated.”

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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