UNRWA Must Be Permanently Disbanded

The organization now appears to be nothing more than a front group for genocidal anti-Semites. Allowing it to keep operating is unacceptable.

For all the discussion of countries cutting funding to UNRWA, not enough is being said about the fact that nobody should ever fund the organization again.

So, any funding cuts should not be temporary in nature, but should be permanent.

Further, there should be a strong push by all free countries to ensure that UNRWA is completely disbanded.

Remember, aid for refugees in every other country goes through the UNHCR. The UN Refugee Agency handles things everywhere – except for Gaza.

In Gaza, the UNRWA ‘handles’ things.

It makes no sense, unless you realize that the entire point of the UNRWA is to be a front group for foreign aid money to be redirected to genocidal anti-Semitic terrorists.

Massive amounts of money have flowed into Gaza, yet instead of that money going to schools, hospitals, and infrastructure, it went to weapons, tunnels, and the planning of genocidal attacks on Israel.

And so, it would be absolutely disgusting for Canada to ever renew funding for UNRWA, and it would be disgraceful for us to do anything other than call for it to be completely disbanded.

Remembering our values

We must reconnect ourselves with Canadian and Western Values, and a key part of those values is standing up for the Jewish community and standing against genocidal fascists like Hamas and Hamas’ enablers in UNRWA.

No civilized Western nation should ever support UNRWA ever again.

Spencer Fernando


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