Pierre Poilievre On Ukraine: “We Have To Defend Countries That Are Mercilessly Invaded By Aggressive Powers”

Conservative Leader’s remarks come amid Liberal effort to polarize Canadians on Ukraine.

With polls showing a slight decline in Canadians support for Ukraine – largely due to Kremlin-influenced narratives being spread on social media and Justin Trudeau’s efforts to polarize Canadians on the issue – Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is continuing to express support for Ukraine.

When asked by reporters about what he would say to Canadians wavering about supporting Ukraine, Poilievre had this to say:

“We have to defend against countries that are mercilessly invaded by aggressive powers, so that we dissuade dictators from this kind of aggression,” Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says re: poll showing drop in Canadian support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.”

Poilievre is right.

Russia openly talks about seeing the entire West – including Canada – as their enemy.

Russia is rapidly ramping up their military spending – including in the Arctic near Canada.

Many of our European allies believe a Russian invasion of the Baltic countries is quite possible – particularly if Russia isn’t stopped in Ukraine.

And Russia is actively working to divide our society from within.

Countering Russia now by supporting Ukraine will be far less costly than countering Russia if it conquered Ukraine and then launched attacks against a NATO country (which would mean Canada would have to send troops to fight in Europe).

It is good to see that Poilievre remains committed to the kind of strong and principled foreign policy that has long been a staple of Canadian Conservatism (Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper was one of the most pro-Ukraine, anti-Putin leaders in the world), rather than going along with the loud but small fringe who want to surrender the world to dictatorships like Russia and China.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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