POLL: 64% Disapprove of Trudeau

Just 29% approve.

The Liberals have a serious problem:

They built their party around a quasi-personality cult centered around Justin Trudeau.

They pushed out those – like Jody Wilson-Raybould – who pushed back and thought for themselves.

They fused the Trudeau brand and the Liberal brand, leaving no room for any distinction between the two.

And now, Justin Trudeau is deeply unpopular.

A new Morning Consult poll shows 64% of Canadians expressing disapproval towards Trudeau, compared to just 29% who approve.

That gives Trudeau a -35% net approval rating.

Considering that the Liberals won 32% of the popular vote in 2021 and barely held on to power, even if they got every single voter who approves of Trudeau to vote for him again, it wouldn’t be enough.

And of course, some who approve of Trudeau also approve of NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh.

Also – given how complex politics can be – there is likely a very small group of Canadians who approve of Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre.

Thus, the Liberals find themselves stuck having built their party around a leader who almost two-thirds of Canadians oppose.

Not only does this leave them with almost no margin for error, it also means any further dip in Trudeau’s numbers could consign the Liberals to electoral oblivion.

Spencer Fernando


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