To Save The Free World, We Must Reject Both The Pro-Putin Far-Right & The Pro-Hamas Far-Left

Those who side with our enemies are becoming an increasingly insidious threat.

The Horseshoe Theory is the idea that rather than being a line, the political spectrum is best understood in the following way:

Horseshoe theory - Wikipedia

The further left you go, the closer you end up to the far-right, and vice versa.

This has been seen often in history, most notably at the outbreak of World War Two in Europe, when Germany and the Soviet Union signed a secret protocol to divide up Poland. The fascists and the communists had been working together for many years, with Germany giving weapons blueprints to the Soviets while the Soviets sold Germany massive amounts of raw materials to feed Germany’s rearmament.

While they obviously turned on eachother, both the fascists and the communists saw the capitalist democracies as their common enemy from the outset.

This has also happened on a smaller scale.

The Iranian Revolution was made up of a wide swath of Iranian society, with socialists teaming up with Islamists to overthrow the Shah of Iran.

However, the Islamists quickly turned on the socialists and the other revolutionaries, and installed themselves as a brutal theocratic Islamist state far more oppressive and backwards than the Shah ever was.

That same socialist-Islamist team up has been evident since October 7th, 2023.

The surge of anti-Semitism since Hamas’ horrific attack against Israel has been led by Islamists and far-left socialists.

Both find common-ground in their hatred of the Western world, their hatred of individual freedom, their hatred of capitalism, and their desire to destroy the world’s democracies. Of course, the far-left think they will be in control after the ‘revolution,’ while the Islamists think they will be in control. But until the system falls, both are glad to work together.

And now, they have another ally in their campaign against the West:

The pro-Putin far-right ‘led’ by propagandist Tucker Carlson.

Carlson has been hitting on many of the same themes as the Islamists and the socialists, with his disgusting attack on Ben Shapiro using thinly-veiled anti-Semitic tropes, his criticism of U.S. support for Israel, and his pathetically submissive ‘interview’ with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, which he then followed up by posting a bunch of insane videos claiming everything is affordable in Russia.

Carlson appeared to be genuinly ignorant about purchasing power or why he – someone using strong American Dollars – would find food to be cheap in Russia due to Russia being a much poorer country and the Ruble being incredibly weak. Unsurprisingly, that kind of ignorance is another thing the Carlson-Putin far-right has in common with the far-left.

Alexei Navalny killed by Putin regime

Carlson has been rightly subjected to widespread ridicule for his praise of Russia and evident amazement at things like shopping carts and subways in Moscow.

However, what Carlson is doing – attempting to build up a pro-Putin base in the West and turn people against capitalist democracy – is incredibly dangerous.

And people are starting to understand this.

Even before today, Carlson was facing a rapidly-rising backlash – including from many Conservatives – as people wake up to the fact that Carlson is the right-wing equivalent of the pro-Communist radicals who went to the Soviet Union and came back singing its praises while bashing America and the Western world.

And then, the news broke that Alexei Navalny – the most prominent opposition leader in Russia – was murdered in prison by the Putin regime.

This appears to have been a moment of moral clarity for many, as Carlson’s disgusting decision to be a shill for Putin is completely indefensible by all who actually value freedom:

Carlson and the pro-Putin far-right have also been doing everything they can to stop further U.S. military aid to Ukraine. The delay in aid has had a significant impact on the battlefield, as Ukrainian troops run low on ammunition, allowing Russia to make advances.

Internal weakness

When Carlson puts out Russian propaganda videos and seeks to turn Americans against their own country in favour of Russia, and when pro-Hamas radicals push Canada and the Western world to abandon Israel, they are both doing what foreign dictators want done.

China, Iran, and Russia all know that they will be overwhelmed if the world’s democracies are united and if we direct our economic power towards a proper and sustained military build-up.

And so, their goal is to keep us divided, to weaken us from within.

The more they can convince us to fight amongst ourselves, the more they can delay any kind of unified action. They exploit real issues – failed policies & authoritarian overreach by many Western leaders – but then try to make people feel that this means all leaders and all systems are equally bad, despite the most flawed democracies being far superior to brutal dictatorships like Russia, China, and Iran.

That’s why both the Carlson-Putin far-right and the Pro-Hamas far-left represent real threats to the Western world. We should not be picking a side between the two extremes. Instead, we should recognize that the two extremes are against all of us who want to maintain our freedom, protect our democracy, and stand against expansionist dictatorships.

Each of us who truly values freedom must understand this, and we must speak out in favour of Western civilization, democratic capitalism, and the free world.

We must also make sure that we don’t let our political divisions – which are real – stop us from being united when it comes to foreign policy.

The radical fringes must be kept from power.

To save the free world, we must reject both the far-right and the far-left.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube