VIDEO: Will We Choose The Path Of Cowardice, Or Will We Stand With The Jewish Community Against The Rise Of Anti-Semitism?

Only one path makes it possible to save Canada’s soul.

You see what is happening.

You see the virus of anti-Semitism spreading across our nation.

You see the cowardice and weakness of the Federal government, more interested in playing both sides than in standing up for the values of the free world.

And you see where this will lead if it is not stopped: To the abandonment of the Jewish community, and to a Canada that loses its soul.

And so, we face two paths.

We can choose the path of silence and cowardice. We can cede the country to anti-semites and terror supporters. We can abandon our values.

Or, we can stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters. We can stand for our values. We can stand against the anti-Semites, and show the kind of strength that is necessary to turn the tide against evil.

Do not give in to demoralization. Remember that you have the power and the strength to help turn the tide. Each individual act makes a difference – whether it’s confronting anti-Semitism online or in person, whether it’s contacting elected officials and demanding they stop giving away our country to the anti-Semitic mobs, or whether it’s expressing your unwavering support for the Jewish community.

And those acts add up, becoming greater than the sum of their parts. That is how we can turn Never Again from mere words into a solemn pledge that we make manifest every day. And that is how we can help save Canada’s soul.

Spencer Fernando