Liberals ‘Celebrate’ International Women’s Day By Renewing Funding To UN Organization Linked To Hamas’ Mass Rape & Torture Of Women

What part of this is the ‘feminist foreign policy’ the Liberals brag about?

There are good ways to celebrate International Women’s Day.

There are bad ways to celebrate International Women’s Day.

And then, there are hypocritical, horrific, and disgraceful ways to celebrate International Women’s Day.

Guess which one the Liberals picked?

Today, the Liberal government announced the restoration of funding to the United Nations Relief & Works Agency (UNRWA) – though funding was never actually cut.

The Liberals have simply chosen to ignore the fact that UNRWA workers were found to be a part of Hamas October 7th, 2023 attack on Israel:

“The IDF on Monday released audio recordings that it says incriminate two additional UNRWA employees who allegedly participated in the Hamas-led October 7 onslaught — bringing the total number of agency workers that Jerusalem says actively participated in the attacks to 14.

“I’m inside, I’m inside with the Jews,” Mamdouh al-Qali, an Islamic Jihad terrorist whom the IDF says was employed as a teacher in a UNRWA school, is heard saying in one recording.

“How will you get home?” he is asked in the phone call, and he replies with a laugh: “When I die.””

As noted by Brian Lilley, UNRWA workers even used the same language as ISIS in referencing kidnapped women:

“We have sabaya, I captured one!” Yousef al-Hawajara boasted to his friends on Oct. 7, 2023.

Sabaya is the term ISIS used for their captured women, the sex slaves they took from Yazidi settlements. And al-Hawajara, he was a teacher at the UNRWA elementary school in Deir al-Balah in Gaza.

The recordings of the calls al-Hawajara made to his friends to boast of taking a young Israeli woman hostage on Oct. 7 were released by the Israeli Defense Forces this week. This, and other evidence, should preclude Canada from ever funding UNRWA again.”

As reported by UN Watch, UNRWA teachers were also caught praising Hamas terrorist acts and plotting how to aid the terrorist organization:

“Entitled “UNRWA’s Terrorgram,” the new report focuses on 30 UNRWA teachers who among other things called for the execution of Israelis, shared instructions on how to aid Hamas’ efforts, and proclaimed they would like to emulate the teachings that the October 7th terrorists received with their own children.”

And so, on today of all days, the Liberals chose to announce they were restoring funding to UNRWA:

BETRAYAL & DISGRACE: Liberal Government To Resume Funding For Hamas-Enabling UNRWA

As Conservative Deputy Leader Melissa Lantsman accurately put it, the Liberals are “rewarding rapists on International Women’s Day”:

After funding those who helped enable – and even participated in – Hamas’ horrific crimes against Women, the Liberals should never utter another damn word about their ‘feminist foreign policy’ ever again.

What a disgusting bunch of hypocrites.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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