Will The New Liberal Scandal Distract From The Current Liberal Scandal?

Perhaps the Liberals have stumbled onto their strategy for dealing with scandals: Have so many we can’t keep track of them…

The Liberals have taken a huge hit politically from the ongoing WE Scandal.

Every poll shows them losing support, with the Conservatives now within striking distance.

The Liberals ‘pandemic bounce’ as a result of being in office during a crisis has evaporated, and Trudeau is returning to his previous status as a divisive, unpopular politician.

Amid the scandal, the Liberals have repeatedly failed to talk their way out of it, with each statement seeming more and more dishonest.

Yet, it seems they may have stumbled onto a way to deal with the scandal.

Have another scandal to distract from the current one!

That’s right, there’s yet another Liberal scandal resulting from the use of tax dollars to seemingly benefit people connected to the upper echelon of the Liberal machine.

The Trudeau government gave an $84 million contract to a company to administer the CCP Virus crisis emergency rent assistance program for small businesses.

That company just so happens to employ Robert Silver, the husband of Katie Telford – Justin Trudeau’s chief of staff.

While the PMO says Telford put in place an ‘ethical screen’ preventing her from having any direct role in matters regarding the company her husband works for, it has also been reported that Silver was part of a meeting between the company and the government, and the contract was extended shortly thereafter.

The big problem for the Liberals is that after seeing the WE Scandal unfold, very few people are inclined to believe them.

The trend of the Liberals seemingly exploiting this crisis for their own personal benefit has taken hold with Canadians, who are increasingly disgusted by the arrogance and elitism of Trudeau and his cronies.

So, while the Liberals may hope this new scandal will distract from the ongoing scandal, it’s far more likely that this will deepen the already increasingly negative view Canadians have of the Liberal Party, and will cause more and more people to see this Liberal government as totally corrupt.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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