Jerry Dias – Head Of Union That Represents Thousands Of Establishment Media ‘Journalists’ – Is Facing New Charges

The media pretends to be ‘unbiased,’ but they are beholden to a union that campaigns against the Conservatives. Now, the head of that union faces new charges, and it is likely they will go to trial.

Jerry Dias and other Unifor members are facing new charges in relation to a dispute at the Co-op Refinery in early 2020.

The group was already facing charges of mischief, and now obstruction charges are being added and are expected to go to trial.

As reported by the Saskatchewan Leader Post, “Prosecutor Derek Davidson told the court the Crown is alleging a further range of charges stemming from the dispute, these for obstructing police. Court hasn’t yet heard what alleged actions specifically led to the charges. The Unifor members in question weren’t present in court but their lawyer, Thomas Hynes, appeared by phone on their behalf.”

Aside from these charges, Dias has been criticized by many Canadians for his anti-Conservative bias.

It’s a serious problem, since Unifor represents roughly 10,000 establishment media journalists.

Those journalists are part of a union that actively campaigned against the Conservative Party of Canada, making it even more clear that the establishment press cannot be trusted and that the supposedly ‘unbiased’ journalists are in fact totally biased and are activists, not journalists.

It’s why Canada needs Independent Media now more than ever before.

Spencer Fernando

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