We Need To Stop Putting Our Faith In Politicians To Be Our ‘Saviours’

This crisis has shown far too many politicians are power hungry authoritarians, who care only for their own dominance and control over our lives, and hold us to a standard they can’t even come close to reaching themselves.

Events in both Canada and the United States have shown the peril in putting our faith in politicians.

In the US, Donald Trump – who has reportedly said behind the scenes that he knows he lost the election – pushed many of his supporters, supporters who have total faith in him, to march on the US Capitol, resulting in the chaotic scenes we witnessed today.

That wouldn’t have been possible if not for the sense many people have that Trump is some type of political saviour. Notably, despite claiming he would march with protesters, Trump instead stayed in his heavily-reinforced motorcade.

Here in Canada, many people have shown themselves to be shockingly willing to see our ‘leaders’ as saviours, as we watch our freedoms eroded more and more and more behind the excuse of the ‘crisis.’

Politicians went from telling us “15 days to the slow the spread,” to now threatening jail time for ‘violators,’ and pushing for curfews.

Think about that for a moment.

In a supposedly ‘free country,’ this shouldn’t even be possible. We have politicians – who have proven themselves to be hypocrites by flying outside of the country while telling us to lock down/defending their hypocritical colleagues while condemning the rest of us – continually grabbing for more and more power.

That wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for many people who trusted politicians and believed they were doing the right thing.

Sadly, those in power have proven both unworthy of trust, and incapable of recognizing the limits that should be on their power.

“We went from ‘two weeks to slow the spread’ to politicians considering – & in 1 province already imposing – curfews, telling you when you can go outside under threat of massive fines. These people aren’t public servants, they’re power-hungry authoritarians who see their opening.”


As I noted on Twitter, and something which resonated with many people, is that we need to set aside this idea of waiting for politicians to be our ‘saviours’:

“Trump is not your saviour. Trudeau is not your saviour. Erin O’Toole is not your saviour. We can’t keep putting so much power in the hands of a few politicians and hoping they will ‘fix it all.’ We need to make our own communities far stronger and decentralize power.”


For far too long, power has been being steadily concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. We see this in politics, with the size and power of the federal government rising, and we see it in how global mega corporations are decimating small businesses – with the help of politicians in that decimation.

We must push back, with an agenda of decentralizing power, restoring power and authority to our local communities, individuals, and families.

If we continue putting our faith in politicians to ‘fix it all,’ we will only end up disappointed and powerless.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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