If Canada Is Too Stupid & Naïve To Utilize Our Own Resources, Other Countries Deserve To Profit At Our Expense

It’s all about survival of the fittest when it comes to economic competition.

In my latest column for the National Citizens Coalition, I wrote about the danger of a radical like Steven Guilbeault being elevated to a ministry that is heavily involved in Canada’s economy:

“Trudeau didn’t put a radical like Guilbeault into the role by accident.

‘Climate change’ is the ‘crisis’ statist politicians will use to perpetuate the level of public fear that allows those in power to continue infringing on our freedoms, lowering our standard of living, and ‘putting our rights on hold.’

With statists like Guilbeault, Trudeau, and the rest of the sycophants, Canada is set to continue on a path where our wealth will be drained away, inflation will rob of us of our hard-earned purchasing power, other countries will get rich while we crush our own energy sector, and deepening regional divides widen even further.”

In the Financial Post, respected writer Terence Corcoran also discussed the dangerous radicalism of the Trudeau cabinet, particularly when it comes to Guilbeault and Jonathan Wilkinson as minister of natural resources:

“What Canada now has, in the wake of Justin Trudeau’s post-election cabinet shuffle, is a twinned portfolio linking environment/climate and natural resources into a unified force under two activists — one environmental, the other corporate. Wilkinson’s business background is as a subsidy-seeking green energy executive.

Where once the two might have been partial adversaries, now under the Trudeau model there is no gap, no conflict, no divergence. They are united in policy and purpose, and it seems probable Trudeau had the moves in mind before the election was called.”

Adds Corcoran, “But installing radicals and climate-first activists who have a track record of extremism to the most important portfolios in the cabinet today suggests a level of risk-taking and commitment that puts the Canadian economy on a dangerous track.”

Indeed, this is quite dangerous.

And it’s dangerous not only because of the obvious national unity issues it will generate, but also because the rest of the world isn’t going to change.

What I mean by this is that if Canada chooses to cripple our own energy sector out of some pathetic attempt to ‘save the planet,’ other countries will simply gain more profit by selling more of their resources.

And you know what?

They deserve it.

If we as a country are too stupid and naïve to take advantage of the immense amount of natural resources we have, we deserve to be economically beaten by those who exploit their natural resources.

This is how the world works, and no amount of magical thinking or utopian visions will change that.

Ironically, the countries that exploit their natural resources will also end up having a stronger position when it comes to alternative energy, since they can put a portion of those profits towards different forms of energy and will have a wealthier society overall, meaning better infrastructure, better education, and a better ability to adapt to a changing world.

How can people not see this

You can probably relate to feeling bewildered at watching so many Canadians who genuinely seem to believe that we will make difference in the world by strangling our own energy sector.

Even as every fact shows the opposite, even as it is glaringly obvious that tiny shifts in China’s emissions undo anything that happens in Canada, many people in this country have latched onto the idea that they are part of some grand world-saving mission.

In a world where many people are grasping for meaning and purpose, being part of something like that is psychologically rewarding, no matter how factually incorrect and economically damaging it may be.

Connecting the dots

That is why it is important for those of us who see the truth to do everything we can to connect the dots for others.

Many see the cost of living increasing, including surging food and gas prices, without connecting that to the importance of affordable energy – energy Canada could certainly provide in abundant amounts given our immense reserves.

Inflation and an inability/refusal to exploit resources are inextricably linked. The most dramatic example of course was Weimar Germany, when the government tried to replace the lost wealth of their former heavy industrial regions by printing more money.

Of course, you can’t replace real wealth with paper money, as the results then clearly showed.

We see a less extreme, but similar way of thinking operating today.

The federal government is imposing policies that will weaken our energy sector, reduce our real, tangible wealth, while throwing fiat currency all over the economy.

The result?

More ‘money’ chasing fewer goods, and an inevitable devaluation of our currency along with the destruction of the hard-earned purchasing power of Canadians.

Thus, when people see that everything is becoming more expensive, when supply chains snarl, energy costs surge, and a solid standard of living seems further and further out of reach, we must make it clear that the restrictions placed on our energy sector are a key cause of this economic malaise.

Survival of the fittest

Far too many Canadians have forgotten that we are in a massive worldwide competition. If one person doesn’t fill the demand for a product, someone else will.

There is still heavy demand for oil & gas, and that demand will continue for a long-time.

If we don’t fill it, somebody else will.

And – in yet another irony – other countries generally have weaker environmental standards than we do, meaning that if Canada doesn’t fill energy demand, countries with higher pollution levels and lower labour standards will.

In effect, the more we restrict our energy sector, the more we end up financially rewarding countries that do the opposite of what our leaders claim is ‘the right thing.’

Finally, there is simply the abject stupidity of a resource rich country still being reliant on imports from halfway across the world, imports that often come from oppressive dictatorships/authoritarian states.

It would be funny, if it wasn’t so sad and embarrassing for Canada.

No guarantees

There is nothing truly guaranteed in the world when it comes to the prosperity of nations. We are in a competition whether we like it or not, and if we refuse to use our full strength and cunning in that competition, and if we retreat into naïve magical thinking, then not only will we lose that competition, but we will deserve to lose it.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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