Poilievre’s Plan To Unlock The Potential Of The Port of Churchill Is The Ambitious Thinking Canada Needs

The Port of Churchill on Hudson Bay can help unite and enrich our nation, while providing the energy supplies our European Allies need.

It’s rare that an opportunity presents itself that can help unite a nation, enrich our Citizens, and help our allies.

And yet, that is exactly what the Port of Churchill at Hudson Bay provides.

At the present moment, Canada is largely dependent on the United States purchasing our energy supplies.

This of course means we don’t make as much as we could if we had a wider array of customers.

This has left our nation poorer.

Further, the ongoing debate over pipelines has left our nation more and more divided, deepening the split between the West and the East.

And finally, there are real geopolitical consequences to our inability to get our energy resources to a wide array of markets.

Our European allies have found themselves dependent on Russian oil & gas, giving Russia immense leverage, and fueling Russia’s war machine.

While Europe long looked the other way when it came to their dependence on Russia, the costs can no longer be ignored as the world watches Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine.

If Canada can provide much more energy to our allies, it will have beneficial effects both here at home, and for the strategic position of like-minded nations.

So, what is the big idea?

Transporting Canadian oil & gas to Europe and around the world from the Port of Churchill at Hudson Bay.

It’s something Clinton Desveaux and I spoke about on the latest episode of the Spencer Fernando Show:

Peter MacKay also recently wrote about the potential of the idea for the National Post:

“Known for many things, Manitoba is the longitudinal geographic centre of Canada. Perhaps more importantly, it could also become a force for good in the world’s fight against Russia’s authoritarian aggression against Ukraine. And it could fill a breach that has bedevilled premiers and prime ministers of all political stripes.

Manitoba could do this by providing a critical alternative to Europe’s reliance on Russian gas. By facilitating the export of ethically produced and reliable Canadian energy that would replace coal in many markets, the province could play a key role in Canada’s economic rebound while addressing frictions that have led to unprecedented levels of Western anger and alienation.

Much of Europe is stuck paying for Russian energy products, particularly oil and gas. Until a few weeks ago, the U.S. was importing Russian oil while at the same time supplying Ukraine with armaments. Reliance on Russian oil not only undermines our allies’ abilities to punish Vladimir Putin for his unconscionable aggression toward Ukraine and its people, but it also lines the pockets of Russia’s oligarchs and provides the resources to fund Putin’s war machine.”

As MacKay notes, Canada is well positioned to address this:

“Enter Churchill, Man., as the possible solution to Canada’s energy export problems. Situated on Hudson Bay, it has a significant port that already has an oil-handling system. The Bay is sufficiently deep for large cargo vessels and has the potential to be a gateway to world markets.

Offering a safe and dependable route, Churchill could supply our allies in both the Indo-Pacific and Europe through Arctic routes. There are challenges, of course, ranging from building pipeline infrastructure and railroads through muskeg and melting permafrost, to contending with winter ice. But none of the challenges is insurmountable with modern engineering and environmental expertise.”

Poilievre embraces ambitious vision

And now, Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre – who is drawing huge crowds and building momentum across the country – has embraced the idea of “unlocking the Arctic Gateway.”

Poilievre also released a statement on the issue, which I have included for you below:

“Pierre Poilievre announced today that as Prime Minister of Canada, he would unlock the potential of Canada’s Arctic Ports and get Canadian oil moving through the Port of Churchill in Manitoba.

The successful upgrade and completion of the Port would allow Canada to ship an additional 100,000 barrels of oil via CanaPux, a revolutionary and safe way to transport oil, per day.

If a pipeline was to go to the Port, export capacity could increase by an additional 200,000 barrels of oil per day.

“Canada’s considerable domestic resources, which can be extracted by Canadian workers with Canadian standards, have not been able to get to market because projects like the Port of Churchill have been stymied by government gatekeepers”, said Poilievre.” My government will work to pre-approve permits required to export oil from the Port to markets around the world, giving investors the confidence they need to get it done”.

As part of his plan to end imports of overseas oil to Canada within five years of taking office, Poilievre has also committed to repealing anti-energy laws Bill C-69 and C-48, replacing them with clear and predictable new rules with hard deadlines that protect the environment, consult First Nations and provide them with paycheques and give quick decisions on energy projects. He has committed to doubling Newfoundland and Labrador’s oil production, banning oil from polluting dictatorships and supporting west-to-east energy projects like pipelines or rail construction.

“Trudeau supports oil – as long as it is foreign oil. His government gatekeepers have done everything they can to kill projects that would support Canadian energy. “My government will unlock the potential of Canada’s Arctic Port, and the Canadian paycheques it creates, and get our energy resources to the world.””

This is an ambitious and optimistic vision for Canada, a vision that would have benefits both here and around the world.

National unity

Given the politically fractious pipeline debates in this country, and with governments in BC and Quebec often opposing pipelines, Poilievre unlocking the potential of Hudson Bay and the Port of Churchill could go a long way towards unifying the nation.

Economic benefits would flow across the country, including to Western Canada. The ability for our country to have a wider array of potential customers also means we could sell our oil for higher prices.

There would also be significant economic benefits for many Indigenous People in Manitoba, and Northern communities would see a surge of long-term job creation and investment.

Additionally, this could be done as part of a military build-up in the north, to ensure that Canada can truly project our power over our own territory.

Pipeline potential

Seeing Poilievre embrace the potential of the Port of Churchill is a huge step forward for Canada, as it puts this vital issue at the centre of our political debate.

We will likely see growing calls for investment in the Port of Churchill, and a growing recognition that Canada’s economic future and national security are both intrinsically linked to Hudson Bay and Northern Canada.

Imagine if Canada had dedicated pipelines going from Alberta & Saskatchewan to the Port of Churchill – which would be safer and more efficient than rail.

The economic benefits would be immense, and our country could achieve the unity and prosperity that would bring us closer to a more hopeful and abundant future for all Canadians.

Canada needs leaders with the courage to be ambitious, and with his support for opening the Arctic Gateway, Pierre Poilievre is demonstrating the qualities of a true national leader.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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