“Environmental Racism”: Guilbeault Now Fusing Identity Politics & Climate Policy

Just when you thought the government couldn’t get more divisive.

Advanced civilization on this planet is a relatively new phenomena.

Democracy is even newer.

Diverse democracies newer still.

So far, most indications are that uniting a diverse group of people requires a focus on shared values and beliefs, placing a unifying idea (such as freedom), above individual group identities.

Unfortunately, it seems that insight is lost on politicians like Justin Trudeau & Steven Guilbeault, who would rather divide people into racial groups and exploit division in order to gain short-term political advantage.

The Trudeau government has also done this with regional divisions, using ‘climate policy’ as an excuse to punish regions that don’t vote Liberal, while giving a free pass to regions that are pro-Liberal.

And now, it would appear that Steven Guilbeault has chosen to fuse both divisive approaches into one nightmarish combo.

Let’s call it climate identity politics.

Here’s one of his recent Tweets:

“Across Canada, Black, Indigenous and people of colour are feeling the effects of pollution and environmental damage the hardest. Environmental racism is an issue that has gone unaddressed for far too long in this country.”

If he wanted, Guilbeault could have claimed that low-income Canadians are more impacted by climate change (not saying this is true, but it would fit with Liberal thinking). At the very least, that would have avoided bringing race into the conversation.

But of course, that wouldn’t fit Guilbeault’s purposes.

Statists want division

Regardless of how much they claim to want to bring people together, those who worship at the altar of government power need division.

By keeping different racial and regional groups in a state of low-level conflict and division, the central government can position itself as ‘above’ those conflicts, requiring each group to go to the central state to try and gain power and privileges vs those they dislike.

It also gives the statists additional rhetorical cudgels to wield against their critics.

As I’m sure you’ve already considered, Guilbeault’s rhetoric on ‘environmental racism,’ will be used to claim that opponents of Liberal climate policies are racists.

Will opposing those policies be considered ‘hate speech’?

Will it be ‘bigoted’ to oppose carbon taxes.

In a sane world, of course not.

But we don’t seem to live in a sane world.

You can also see how Guilbeault’s rhetoric matches up with Liberal efforts to expand state control over the internet.

It’s no coincidence that Guilbeault also headed up that effort.

If you can define opposition to your policies as ‘racist,’ gain control over what social media companies allow on their platforms,’ and pass new ‘hate speech’ legislation, then it doesn’t take a big leap from there to silence more and more of your opponents.

That’s why, as Cory Morgan said well on Twitter, we need to reject Guilbeault’s race-baiting rhetoric:

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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