Pierre Poilievre’s Opponents Are Becoming More And More Unhinged

The attacks on the CPC frontrunner continue to escalate as the leadership race heads further into the gutter.

Rhetorical attacks back and forth are to be expected in a leadership race.

And, attacks on the frontrunner are even more expected.

That said, the attacks against Pierre Poilievre are becoming more and more unhinged, and are beginning to exceed what is normally seen in a leadership race.

Consider what Patrick Brown recently Tweeted:

“Here is Pat King, a leader of the convoy @PierrePoilievre supported, spreading the dangerous white supremacist “White Replacement” conspiracy theory which was reported to have been in the Buffalo shooter’s manifesto. I condemn this hate & call on Pierre to do the same.”

Brown is attempting to exploit a horrific tragedy in the United States to score political points against Pierre Poilievre.

As MP Todd Doherty said on Twitter, Brown’s move is a “new low”:

“As leaders, we should stand united against hate & intolerance – period.

Patrick Brown trying to use the tragic shooting in Buffalo to further his leadership ambitions is a new low in Cdn politics. He, & those who are engaging in this nonsense should be ashamed of themselves.”

Doherty is right.

To try and exploit what happened in Buffalo in order to attack Pierre Poilievre is disgraceful.

And it’s far different than Poilievre’s attacks on his opponents.

Poilievre has pointed to the facts in the records of Brown & Charest, noting that they both supported carbon taxes for example.

He’s noted that Charest worked for Huawei, a company controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.

And he’s noted that Brown was going to arenas even as the general public was blocked from doing so:

“Brown says he fought COVID lockdowns. That’s a lie. In fact, he locked down Brampton kids from arenas, harming mental health. Then snuck in & played hockey with cronies. He was such a regular, his hockey bag was already there, waiting for him. You can’t believe a word he says.”

Poilievre’s attacks on his opponents may be harsh and aggressive, but they are within the bounds of reasonable and expected actions.

By contrast, Brown’s attack on Poilievre – and by definition an attack on all of Poilievre’s supporters – goes far beyond what we normally see in Canada.

It shows that the more support Poilievre gets, and the more people who flock to his campaign events, the more angry and unhinged his opponents become.

Singing from the same song sheet

Conservatives should take note of the fact that Patrick Brown and Jean Charest are using the same kind of rhetoric that the Liberals and the establishment media use.

They immediately try to demonize any Conservative who is gathering support, and attempt to cast people as racists and bigots without any evidence whatsoever.

The fact that Brown and Charest are using such tactics demonstrates that they are willing to rhetorically burn down the Conservative Party itself in an attempt to win the leadership, without regard for the damage they cause.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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