Biased Establishment Press Attacks Poilievre For Marching With Veteran, As Media Does Trudeau’s Bidding Once Again

This is why trust in the establishment media continues to collapse.

One of the key features of an authoritarian state is that the media infrastructure is used to direct attention and anger towards the opposition.

This is in contrast to free nations, where the media holds the government accountable, recognizing that the media – when operating properly – forms an essential counterweight to the power of the government and can hold the government accountable.

Out of those two – media attacking the opposition, or holding the government accountable – which one does Canada more closely resemble?

We know the answer.

Trudeau purposely stokes anger, and the media goes along with it

Over the past two years, as Trudeau continued to strip more rights away from Canadians, he purposefully treated Canadians with disdain whenever we criticized his assault on our freedoms.

Trudeau denounced Canadians are ‘racists’ and ‘bigots’ and ‘extremists’.

And, when he imposed a vaccine mandate on Canadian truckers, a tipping point was reached in which fed up Canadians wouldn’t put up with it anymore.

When the Freedom Convoy began, Trudeau could have offered to at least meet with some of the organizers, or participants.

He didn’t even need to agree with the protesters, but the simple act of attending a meeting would be a sign that all Canadians could at least be heard by those in power.

Of course, we know that Trudeau did the opposite.

Not only did he chose not to meet with anyone from the Freedom Convoy, but he purposely demonized them as much as possible, hoping to stoke as much anger as he could.

And all along, the establishment media went along with it.

Thus, it’s no surprise that trust in the media has continued to collapse.

According to the Reuters Digital News Report, just 42% say they trust the media most of the time, which is down 13 points since 2016.

It’s also down from both 2020 and 2021, even accounting for the huge decline that took place in 2020.

The reason for the decline is that Canadians can see how biased the establishment media has become. Additionally, the rise of independent media means more perspectives are being heard, which further reveals the bias of the establishment.

Poilievre marches with Veteran, media goes on the attack

And this brings us to how the establishment press is responding to Pierre Poilievre marching with a Canadian Veteran in opposition to the draconian policies of the Trudeau government.

Global News tried to use the old guilt-by-association technique to demonize Poilievre.

Here’s an excerpt:

“The day before Canada Day, Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre strutted down an Ottawa street with a crowd of red and white adorned supporters trailing behind him.

Alongside him, helping to lead the crowd of protesters who were pushing for a permanent end to vaccine mandates, was a man in a bright vest named James Topp.

Poilievre and Topp can be heard chit-chatting about the veteran’s morning routine, referencing Topp’s recent march across Canada in protest of COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

A topic they didn’t appear to talk about, based on circulating clips, was Topp’s appearance on far-right figurehead Jeremy Mackenzie’s podcast for well over an hour one month ago.

Mackenzie made headlines in February when he was arrested on firearms charges.

However, he was also a part of a controversial January YouTube broadcast, during which claimed the so-called freedom convoy could “bring down the government” as his co-hosts chimed that they “think we need to assemble to gallows on f—ing Parliament.””

You can just feel the condescension dripping off the page as you read that.

If Global had labelled it as an opinion piece, there wouldn’t be an issue.

But it is being promoted as a news story, meaning they’re trying to pass it off has fact rather than opinion.

And it’s not the first time Global News has gone after Poilievre, having previously written a ‘news story’ based on a fake Twitter account in an attempt to make Poilievre look bad:

“Global News has still has not issued a correction for spreading false claims about me from a fake account twitter had to shut down.

Would have taken 10 minutes for a responsible journalist to know it was fake. Too much to ask.”

And on Twitter, Global News keeps on pushing an anti-Poilievre narrative:

“NEW: Poilievre leads march of convoy protesters beside man with far-right extremist ties”

They are also attempting to tie Poilievre to ‘hate’:

Establishment press does Trudeau’s bidding

By focusing attention on the Opposition – who by definition lack power – the establishment press is doing exactly what the Trudeau government wants.

With inflation completely out of control, and the evidence piling up showing how the Liberals tried to disgustingly exploit the Nova Scotia mass shooting to push their political agenda, the establishment media is doing everything they can to deflect attention and keep Trudeau in power.

They are now an extension of the federal propaganda apparatus, more focused on pushing the Liberal political narrative rather than standing up for the truth.

This will be the big battle going forward:

An establishment press pushing Trudeau’s narrative, vs the growing legion of Canadians who have the strength and courage to seek out the truth.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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