Passage Of Bill C-11 Is A Win For The Neo-Communists & A Loss For Canada

Make no mistake: We are watching a full assault on our rights and freedoms as Canadians, an assault led by a Prime Minister who is a big fan of Communist China’s “Basic Dictatorship.”

Bill C-11 has received royal assent, having passed in the Senate after Trudeau Liberal-controlled Senators censored debate and rammed it through:

The Liberals are already celebrating, and selling it as a win for Canadian content:

“A great day for Canadian content.

@Pablorodriguez’s Bill #C11—legislation that empowers Canadian content creators and promotes our vibrant media landscape—has received royal assent.

And we’re ready to watch our country’s creative voices shine!”

Now, let’s make one thing clear: Bill C-11 isn’t about Canadian content. It’s about control:

“Canadians have been doing just fine building large audiences online. Canadian culture can compete without the government stepping in. That’s how you know that bill C-11 isn’t about Canadian culture. It’s about control. It’s about power-hungry socialist politicians like Justin Trudeau & Jagmeet Singh who want the government to be in control of everything. This won’t stop until Canadians realize how useless much of the government has become, and how our lives could be so much better if government just got out of the damn way.”

A win for the neo-communists

Canada was founded and built by people who believed in freedom. At our best, we’ve been a nation of rugged individualists who imposed the power of human ingenuity and human will on inhospitable terrain. We were built by people who took personal responsibility for their own lives, believed in self-reliance, and didn’t constantly demand the government do everything for them.

But that kind of attitude isn’t what the government wants. Power-hungry socialists and communists like Justin Trudeau & Jagmeet Singh want people to depend on government largesse.

It’s basically like a thief wanting to get credit for giving back what they stole from you. The government forces us to give them our money, then they give a bit back and expect to get credit for it.

People who are self-reliant and free-thinking don’t like the government taking their money. Especially when – as we see in Canada – that money goes to a bloated and inefficient bureaucracy that puts roadblocks and restrictions on the most productive people in our society.

So, the government wants people to be desperate and dependent. And they don’t want freedom of speech.

It’s most accurate to talk about politicians like Trudeau & Singh as socialists or Neo-Communists. If you look at their environmental policies, their restrictions on free speech, and their expansion of government power, they are trying to move our country in a direction that increasingly resembles a communist state.

And that brings us to Bill C-11. With C-11 passing in the Senate, the Neo-Communists have a big win. It’s no coincidence that they are so desperate to gain control over private social media companies. Private companies that enable free speech, give every person a chance to share their views, empower citizen journalists, and aren’t controlled by the state are exactly what terrifies those who want to impose a more communist system.

That’s what C-11 is all about. The government has given themselves dramatically expanded power to decide what Canadians can and can’t consume online, and to give themselves the power to define what is and isn’t Canadian content.

The only people who think the Liberals won’t abuse this power to try and silence political opposition are those who haven’t been paying attention over the past few years. Justin Trudeau wasn’t joking when he said he admired China’s basic dictatorship, and he has been using China as an example to follow when it comes to narrowing the bounds of free debate.

A loss for Canada

While the Neo-Communists are celebrating, the passage of Bill C-11 is a huge loss for Canada. Remember, the Liberals had a chance to prove they weren’t targeting user-generated content (the most authoritarian part of the legislation), but instead chose to strip the legislation of amendments that would have protected that content.

Now, there can be zero doubt that this is part of a coordinated assault on our rights and freedoms. The Liberals and NDP are attacking Canada’s tradition of freedom, and are pushing us in a very dangerous direction. All freedom-loving Canadians need to wake up to the danger facing our country and we must redouble our efforts to stand up for a free society that respects individual rights.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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