With Massive Federal Public Sector Strike Ongoing, Trudeau Is Having A Fun Time Visiting With Celebrities In New York

Canadians are paying for a PM who lives it up on the public dime, and for a public service that isn’t at work.

The federal public service is on strike.

That would seem like the kind of thing that would at least encourage a Prime Minister to stay in the country.

You would think that Justin Trudeau would want to remain in Canada until the matter is dealt with.

But alas, he’s in New York instead.

Trudeau is attending the Global Citizen Summit, where he’s made the usual virtue-signalling pledges in order to boost his international image using our tax dollars.

In essence, Trudeau’s trip makes it obvious that we are paying for the PM to hobnob with celebrities while we are simultaneously paying for a public service that isn’t at work.

Pay more, get less. That’s Canada under Justin Trudeau. After all, he also tells Canadians we need to sacrifice to save the planet, yet that sacrifice never seems to involve him doing events like the Global Citizen Summit through Zoom instead of flying over there.

But what exactly is Trudeau doing there?

The photo below, shared by actor Hugh Jackman, gives some indication:


Of interest, Hugh Jackman also shared the photo on Twitter, before deleting it. Why would it have been deleted? Likely, Trudeau’s handlers realized how bad it will look to Canadians who will justifiably wonder why Trudeau is partying with celebs while the federal public service is on strike.

Perhaps, as noted by Ann Rolle on Twitter, Trudeau’s horrendous record as PM was also a factor:

“11 million of 38 million on food stamps. 1 in 4 Cdn children reliant on food banks. 155K public servants on strike.
China Interference in our democracy with Trudeau full knowledge.
Trudeau Foundation accepted China cash with Trudeau knowledge.
Trudeau partying in USA.
Keep him.”

A failed leader, a failing country

This country is broken, and it’s getting more broken by the day.

Trudeau obviously doesn’t believe Canadians can create wealth, instead he seeks to redistribute it, punishing the most productive among us while expanding the role of government.

Businesses get subsidies instead of having to compete. Carbon taxes drive up the cost-of-living. Regulations stifle innovation and push investment elsewhere (over $150 BILLION worth of energy sector projects have been cancelled during Trudeau’s time in office). Rising debt and endless deficits burden future generations while driving up the cost of borrowing for already-indebted Canadians.

Individual rights are being taken away, and we are being told to accept a future that is less prosperous. Meanwhile, when he’s not arrogantly lecturing the rest of us, Justin Trudeau flies around the world and lives it up at our expense.

This is a failing country, and Trudeau is a failed leader.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Screengrab


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