Does The Media Think We’ve Forgotten They Repeated Hamas Propaganda Lies Almost Verbatim?

Most of the Canadian legacy media repeated Hamas’ false claims that Israel ‘bombed’ a hospital. They then slow-walked their ‘corrections’ and even refused to apologize. Why the hell should any of us respect them?

The entitlement of the Canadian media is reaching unprecedented levels.

They expect us to forget everything we see and hear, and take them as the ultimate arbiters of the truth despite their endless lies.

It wasn’t long ago that almost the entire Canadian legacy media repeated almost verbatim Hamas’ claims that Israel ‘bombed’ a hospital in Gaza.

Those claims immediately broke down, and once the sun rose in the morning it turned out that the hospital was not bombed by Israel, and that it was a rocket fired by Palestinian terrorists that hit a parking lot. It also turned out that the death toll was wildly inflated.

But the damage from Hamas lies and the media’s spreading of those lies was already done. The world witnessed anti-Jewish pogroms, riots, and a massive surge of anti-Semitism – all fueled by lies.

When they finally did correct the record, they did so slowly and half-heartedly. CBC even refused to apologize for their lies despite being given repeated opportunities to do so.

Yet, many of the same media outlets that repeated Hamas’ propaganda are acting as if we never saw that happen, and are acting indignant that we don’t hold them up as our moral betters.

They are going absolutely nuts that Pierre Poilievre would ‘dare’ to push back against their pro-Liberal lies, revealing they have absolutely no idea how much they’ve shredded their credibility.

Their arrogance – as much as their inability to actually compete in the free market – is a key reason why the Canadian media is in a downward spiral and is now reduced to begging Justin Trudeau for bailout money in order to survive.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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