Scott Moe Is Defending The Rule Of Law From Extremist Socialists Like Steven Guilbeault

All Canadians who value our nation and believe in preserving our prosperity should stand with the Province of Saskatchewan and with Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe.

At this point, we can all see that the rule of law in Canada is crumbling.

And we know that it’s crumbling because our country is led by extremists.

Extremists like Justin Trudeau, who disdain Canadian history and disdain Western Values, and who sees himself as some sort of ‘savior’ who will right all the supposed ‘wrongs’ of our national past.

Extremists like Jagmeet Singh, who has allowed his party to become at veritable hotbed of anti-Semitism and who is willing to pander to anti-Semitic sentiment in the pursuit of votes.

And extremist like Steven Guilbeault – a self avowed ‘proud socialist’ who is imposing radical climate policies on the nation and tearing our country apart.

We can see exactly how the Liberals are undermining the rule of law when it comes to their extremist ‘climate’ policies.

When they started to realize that their support was collapsing in the Liberal bastion of Atlantic Canada, the Trudeau government gave carbon tax relief to that province, removing it from home heating oil. The move was nakedly political, designed to try and save a few Liberal seats.

It was also a clear admission that the carbon tax makes life more expensive – exactly what we’ve been saying about it all along.

And yet, the Liberals refused to give the same break to other parts of the nation.

Thus, they undermined the legitimacy of their own policy by making it into a tool of punishment/reward based on how pro-Liberal a part of the nation is.

That itself is a betrayal of the nation and a betrayal of the rule of law.

It shows the Liberal extremists are deeply disloyal to the country.

And so, in order to save the rule of law in this nation, provincial leaders have to take action.

And that’s exactly what Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe did, when he announced that the province would no longer be collecting the carbon tax on natural gas used for home heating.

Unsurprisingly, the Liberal elite media is attacking Moe:

Yet, as former Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall noted, Moe is actually the one protecting the rule of law:

“An unequally applied law is an unjust law. This is not brinkmanship. It is a reasonable response with a democratic and civilized political philosophy at its root. #Aquinas #Augustine #Thoreau Well done @PremierScottMoe”

This country has to realize that we have been taken over by an extremist & radical eco-socialist cabal that doesn’t at all represent our nation, and this is deliberately doing as much damage as possible.

Thus, all of us who truly value the rule of law should be supporting Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe’s stand in defence of his province and in defence of the rule of law for all Canadians in the face of the extremism emanating from the Trudeau government.

Spencer Fernando


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