Abject Failure: Trudeau’s Time In Office Will Be Remembered As A Lost Decade For Canada’s Economy

Why do the Liberals continue to act as if this isn’t the case?

The Liberals continue to campaign as if things are normal.

They accuse Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre of wanting to ‘take Canada backwards’.

They claim Canada “isn’t broken.”

They boast about all their spending.

But the words are all empty.

And judging by the polls, Canadians aren’t listening.

The reason the Liberals aren’t getting anywhere with their aggressive attacks is that their underlying problem isn’t about communications or political messaging.

It’s about reality.

Things in Canada are objectively bad.

Canadians can see this.

And Canadians can see that – contrary to false Liberal claims – this is not actually happening everyhere.

The lost decade

Just look at change in per capita GDP in the United States compared to Canada:


Per capita GDP in the United States grew faster than Canada under the Trump Administration, and it’s growing faster than Canada under the Biden Administration.

The U.S. has much to show for the last decade in terms of economic growth, while Canada has almost nothing.

An entire decade, squandered.

And no, this can’t be blamed on the pandemic. Every economy dipped because of Covid & lockdowns, but most have recovered – as we can see in the United States. The U.S. – and many other peer nations – resumed their previous growth trajectory, or at least got close to it. In Canada, we are stagnating even before the pandemic hit, and now we’re doing far worse.

This is all despite spending truly gargantuan sums of money – nearly doubling our national debt.

This is an appalling failure, and it is a searing indictment of the absolutely terrible job the Liberals have done managing the economy.

As this point, it’s amazing Liberal MPs still have the confidence to campaign for re-election. They have done absolutely nothing to deserve getting back into office, and everything to deserve getting booted out.

Spencer Fernando


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