No Joke: Carbon Tax Hike Will Hasten Canada’s Economic Decline

Our country is rapidly becoming poorer on a per capita basis. The carbon tax hike will make things even worse.

The Liberals have a huge political problem:

Canadians are connecting Liberal policies to the cost-of-living crisis.

For years, the Liberals were able to get away with economically ruinous policies, because the Harper Government handed off a strong economy, and because most governments got a free pass for economic decline during the pandemic.

But now, Canadians are seeing that most peer countries are doing far better than we are. Something very bad is happening in this country, and it is 100% the fault of the Liberal-NDP government.

The Liberals can’t pin the blame elsewhere. They can’t blame Harper. They can’t blame world events.

It’s all on them now.

And so, with the carbon tax going up 23% today despite massive opposition from the majority of Canadians, Premiers across the country, and the Conservative Party, Canadians are going to suffer even more.

The Liberals & NDP are deliberately deepening the cost-of-living crisis. They are deliberately taking more and more money from us. They are deliberately making Canadians poorer.

Spencer Fernando


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