Trudeau’s Climate Change Delusions

Who is still buying into his rhetoric?

As support for the carbon tax continues to collapse – with Liberal & NDP Premiers now joining the Federal Conservatives in opposing it – Justin Trudeau has become more and more unhinged.

And his rhetoric regarding the carbon tax and climate change has taken on a more dramatic tone.

For example, in the video below you can see Trudeau claim that Premiers must come up with their own carbon tax plan if they don’t want the federal one imposed:

Here’s a simple response to Trudeau’s remarks:


Why do Premiers need their own carbon tax ‘alternative’ plan?



Now, the Liberals will usually answer by claiming that a carbon tax or carbon tax style plan is necessary to fight climate change.

But that’s obviously false.

If Canada shut down our entire economy, global emissions would barely budge.

And countries like the United States have reduced emissions by a far larger amount on a per capita basis all without a carbon tax and while growing their per capita GDP while ours is falling.

The truth is that emissions in wealthy advanced countries have been declining for years on a per person basis, all before the carbon tax was imposed. Technological advancement has made this process almost inevitable, and carbon taxes are not required.

But if Trudeau admitted this, he would also be admitting that the carbon tax is a policy that serves only one purpose: Making Canadians poorer by taking more and more of our hard-earned money.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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