Canada & The United States Are Different Countries

Someone should explain this to our political class and the establishment media.

Canada and the United States are allies.

We’ve fought together, and bled together.

We are very similar countries, often consuming the same entertainment and playing the same sports.

We have the world’s largest undefended border.

In all likelihood, we will be deeply integrated long into the future, forging a path forward together as allies and friends.

With all of that said, we are still different countries.

Canada is not the United States, and vice versa.

Why does this need to be said?

Because it would appear our political class and media are ignoring that reality.

In the wake of a politico report based on a leaked draft opinion from the US Supreme Court that would overturn Roe v. Wade, many Canadian politicians and members of the media have immediately jumped on the issue, acting as if Canada and the US were the same place.

Here’s Foreign Affairs minister Melanie Joly using the US political issue to try and score political points:

“A woman’s right to choose is hers alone. These are rights that our mothers & grandmothers fought for— rights that our government will continue to uphold.

However the silence from the Conservatives is deafening. All parties must work together to ensure the protection of women.”

CTV News also jumped on it:

“Abortion activist Carolyn Egan says the U.S. Supreme Court potentially overturning Roe V. Wade means people in Canada need to be on guard.”

Facing such a rapid and concerted effort by the Liberals and establishment press to turn a US political issue into a Canadian political issue, the Conservatives issued a statement:

“When it comes to the debate in Canada, Conservatives’ position remains what it has been since the Harper government. Access to abortion was not restricted under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and the Conservative Party will not introduce legislation to reopen the debate. The only ones reopening this debate are the Liberals, and Justin Trudeau is once again using women’s reproductive rights to wedge and divide Canadians.”

The fact that the Conservatives even had to put out a statement shows how absurd this all is.

The Liberals and media accused the Conservatives of planning to ban abortion when the CPC first formed.

They accused them of planning it in the 2004 election, the 2006 election, the 2008 election, the 2011 election.

The accusations took a break in 2015, since Harper had been in power for almost 10 years and abortion remained legal.

Then, in 2019 and 2021 the Liberals and the media again accused the Conservatives of having a ‘hidden agenda’ to ban abortion.

Despite being wrong over and over again, the Liberals and establishment press continue to push the same discredited talking points.

Canada’s challenges

Canada has significant challenges, including rising debt at all levels, the surging cost of living, unaffordable housing, a housing bubble, and an entire generation that is being locked out of opportunity.

Not to mention the fact that unvaccinated Canadians are still having their rights brutally curtailed by the state.

That is what Canada should be focusing on, rather than cynically attempting to import US political debates.

Spencer Fernando


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