Doug Ford Considering Imposing Quebec-Style Authoritarian Curfew

This is antithetical to a free society.

As Quebec arrests people for walking their dogs outside ‘approved’ hours, sends messages to phones and TVs warning of ‘police surveillance,’ and have police cars driving around with their sirens on to instill fear and compliance, Ontario premier Doug Ford is considering plans to copy those measures.

According to multiple reports, Ford is considering the imposition of a curfew that would ban people from going outside their homes between 8:00 pm and 5:00 am. Some people, including ‘essential workers,’ would get an exemption.

If it follows Quebec’s authoritarian move, the curfew would be enforced by a fine of up to $6,000, which would be a crippling blow to many people who are already struggling amid a disastrous job market and the destruction of countless small businesses.

As I noted on Twitter, this is insanity:

“Shut down people’s businesses, allow big corporate box stores to stay open, crush countless jobs, and then fine already-struggling people thousands if they go outside after times dictated by discredited politicians. This is insanity.”

“When a politician violates ethics laws, they get fined $500. Those politicians then impose curfews on you with a fine of up to $6000 for simply exercising your right to walk around. Does that seem reasonable to you?”

This is a clear assault on our constitutionally-guaranteed rights and freedoms, and it is a disgrace that supposedly ‘conservative’ politicians are pushing for this, and failing to stand up against it.

We all need to speak out and respectfully contact our elected representatives to make our feelings known on these authoritarian martial-law style police state tactics.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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